Payroll Services
This section manages our in-house Payroll Service which deals with wages management for a wide range of clients.
We will process your payroll, advise you upon routine employee issues and deal with all PAYE forms (In fact anything prefixed with “P”) for a very reasonable monthly charge. This service is so successful, that we even have several clients using this facility, as recommended by their own accountants.
If you have a more complex employee issue to deal with i.e. redundancy, dismissal or contracts of employment, we can also assist in this regard, although such services are separate to the routine fee for the payroll.
Even if you process your own payroll, why not use our bureau to check your calculations for the year and issue forms P14/60/P35. Again a very useful service. providing a quick health check on the validity of the information to be submitted and taking the inconvenience away from completing all those forms!
The costs of this service start at £3 per person, per run, so a payroll for one member of staff paid monthly amounts to just £36 annually. For the agreed monthly charge, fixed for 12 months and payable by standing order we undertake to:-
- E Mail payslips to you
- Advise you of the taxes payable at least 19 days before payment is due
- File FPS summaries to HMRC, electronically on each payday
- Provide all staff with P60’s at the year end.
- Amend employees rates of pay and tax codes, whenever informed
- Deal with any routine payroll queries.