Never has the small business been so burdened by the responsibility of collecting paying and accounting for tax liabilities, particularly since the advent of self assessment for individuals and companies. Every stage of the tax regime if not correctly promptly and accurately adhered to produces a liability in the form of either interest surcharge or penalty (sometimes all three can be incurred for a single omission).
Having prepared your tax statements we will then advise you of imminent and future liabilities as far ahead as possible in order that you may plan and deal with subsequent settlement. No client of our firm has ever suffered a tax penalty where they have made known to us all details in good time to complete their affairs satisfactorily.
We provide:
- Timely information as to liabilities due
- Submission of returns on time
- Organisation of business and personal circumstances to mitigate liability
- The services of a dedicated firm always on hand to give advice on changing circumstances
Corporation Tax
- Prompt accounts production enabling early measurement of profits or losses
- Strategies established to route maximum dividends or directors remuneration to limit Corporation Tax
- Timely assistance and advice on Directors benefits and NIC matters
- For more information about the tax benefits of incorporation click here
Value Added Tax
- Completion of your return
- Checking your own completed return
- Routinely checking your final accounts to the vat returns for obvious error or omission
- Dealing with initial registration, queries, special schemes and control visits
- Advice upon flat rate schemes, exports and partial exemption