Accounts Preparation
Your records are checked for completeness upon arrival and you will be contacted if there are obvious omissions. When the records are complete the work is allocated to the member of staff whose skills and experience best match the assignment. As our fees are based upon the staff skill appropriate to the level of technical difficulty we ensure that your work is done by the most cost effective methods (in both our interests!)
When draft accounts are available they are reviewed at Partner level and discussed with you prior to finalisation.
If you have an urgent need for accounts we will do our utmost to ensure that work is prioritised to meet your needs
Monthly Management Accounts
We can arrange to have these completed on site, this service could include:-
- Preparation of Annual Budgets and Comparison with actual
- Preparation of Cashflow Forecasts
- “Quick” Asset and Liability statements
- Reconciliation of underlying records
Book keeping & Vat
We will discuss your record keeping concerns and offer sound practical advice as to the most efficient and time saving ways of compiling your business records to meet all your requirements (and some of ours as well). All advice is delivered in a practical and sensible manner and a few hours spent with us will be well worth the visit.
We can also offer a full in house book-keeping service including completion of your vat returns for a very competitive fee, this would free up your time and leave the administrative burden to ourselves. Records can be prepared manually, or ( if you have a need for detailed ledgers of Customer Debts and Liabilities to Suppliers) using SAGE SOFTWARE.