Time is always of the essence and if your energies are best spent building up or increasing business then Bureau Services might well suit you.
We can take over all or some of the following tasks
- Basic Book keeping, making sure that your reords are ordered and in compliance with your tax obligations
- Vat Returns, in addition to book keeping, we can also prepare and submit (with your prior approval) vat returns online
- CIS, This affects construction businesses and is full of pitfalls for the unwary, given subcontractors details, plus date and value of payment, we can prepare monthly returns to HMRC and submit electronically on your behalf
- Payroll, if Paye, SSP, FPS, Auto enrolment are all unfamiliar (or in fact unwelcome) to you, let us run your payroll for you. Staff get payslips, HMRC get told what is necessary, monthly filings are done automatically and we will inform you what payments are required, in a timely fashion.
- BACS, With your authority we can pay suppliers or staff from your instructions
We have been doing this for a very long time, our processes are substantially electronic and we can deliver details very quickly and efficiently. It also helps us, for if we also prepare your accounts, then we can be absolutely confident that reliance can be placed on our bureau work, no offence intended – but we have to then check very little at the year end and can deliver final accounts much quicker.
No fixed fees, largely because everyone is different, talk to us about what you need and we will determine a package that best suits both of us. Our bureau is extensively used and it is very highly thought of, we wouldn’t have so many clients using it, if it wasn’t cost and energy efficient!